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Ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures
The organizational structure of NLMK Group includes dedicated services and units responsible for the safety of hydraulic structures. Continuous measures are undertaken to monitor and control the state of the environment throughout the entire life cycle of deposits and tailings. All deposits exploited by the company are currently in commercial development or exploration. The explored reserves of iron ore are estimated to last for 150 years. Mine closure is not planned. In 2021, a comprehensive survey of Stoilensky TMF hydraulic engineering structures (Tailing Management Facility) was conducted together with specialized government agencies, a general design bureau and expert organizations. The survey assessed the safety level of the Stoilensky TMF hydraulic engineering structures as “normal” (the best possible level).
The Group duly informs the local communities about the existence of the tailing dam and holds regular public hearings regarding the development of the complex. All development projects of the company are agreed with stakeholders. Built in 1984, Stoilensky’s tailings dam is NLMK’s only TMF. No environmental incidents related to the tailings dam systems and structures have been recorded throughout its operation.
A local alarm system operates on site and its operability is checked monthly by Stoilensky employees and Rostekhnadzor specialists. A Contingency Plan for Hydraulic Structures at the Tailings Dam has been designed and receives updates every year. Staff training is administered at least once a month. In September 2021, scheduled training sessions were held with the involvement of employees of the EMERCOM of Russia. According to the determination of a specialized state committee, monitoring of seismic activity for the area of the tailings dam is not required.
Stoilensky’s tailings dam uses an efficient and environmentally friendly treatment process for treatment of waste rock from beneficiation. It involves liquid extraction followed by forced transfer of thickened tailings into storage. This allows for savings in natural resource management: 80% of process water used for transportation is returned into the beneficiation process. Additionally, better weathering stability of thickened tailings significantly reduces the dust levels at the tailing dam. In order to eliminate the risks of dusting on the tailings dam beaches, the development of spraying and dust suppression systems was continued in 2023, and the beaches were treated with environmentally safe binder solutions.
Prevention of excess water entrainment with beneficiation tailings in the tailings dam eliminates the risks of its overflow and reduces pressure on the dams. Given that the tailings are thickened and measures are taken to ensure the safety of hydraulic structures, the risk of dam failure at Stoilensky is under control and has a reasonably acceptable level.
The water elevation in the tailings dam is maintained at the level of more than 2 metres below the crest of the dams, which meets the current safety criteria.